Strength in Unity: making a difference at UNGA 79 and Summit of the Future

13 September 2024

As UN member states gather for the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and the Summit of the Future, Women in Global Health is standing united, reminding global leaders that gender equity is front and center in global health discussions. Women health leaders—who form the backbone of health systems globally—must be at the table as decisions are made about the future of health for all.

What the WGH movement can do as advocates with governments, donors, and partners:

Check out our advocacy messages

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is where all 193 member states of the UN come together to discuss and make decisions on major world issues. This year, UNGA is happening from September 10 to 28, and it’s set to be packed with important discussions. One highlight to watch out for is the Summit of the Future on September 22-23, where world leaders will address global governance challenges and strengthen international cooperation five years from our SDG deadline.

The Summit is the time for all of us to push for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and gender-responsive health systems.


Advocates: what you can do at UNGA 79

  • Use the Platform: UNGA is a high-profile global stage—use it! Speak up for UHC and gender-responsive health systems. Make your voice heard.
  • Engage Your Country’s Delegation: Connect with your country’s UN representatives, highlight key messages, and show them how you can contribute.
  • Join Side Events: These events are great for networking, learning, and amplifying your advocacy.
  • Get Social: Use media and social media to spread your key messages far and wide. It’s a chance to engage a broader audience

Use our social media toolkit



National governments: the power of policy

National governments play a critical role in making UHC a reality. We need them to commit to real action by pushing for policies that ensure UHC, which can only be achieved through gender-responsive health systems. Health workers, 70% of whom are women, must be listened to in order to make this a reality. Whether it’s closing the gender pay gap or making sure women are represented in leadership, these changes are crucial in ensuring health systems cater for the needs of all.

How you can help:

  • Share Your Expertise: If you have technical knowledge in health policy or gender equity, offer it up. Help shape strategies, inform decision-makers, and design policy, gender-responsive budgeting and effective interventions.
  • Leverage Your Networks: Use your connections to introduce key players, like policymakers and health leaders, and foster collaborations.


Donors: let’s invest in gender-responsive health systems

Funding is key to advancing gender equality in health systems. We need donors to step up and increase support for initiatives that prioritize gender-responsive health care and help drive progress toward UHC.

How you can help:

  • Develop fundable projects: Build programs that are aligned with donor priorities and focus on advancing gender-responsive interventions in your local and national settings.
  • Support what matters: Get behind projects that address critical gender and health equity goals.


National partnerships: building stronger alliances

Strong partnerships can make all the difference. Collaborating with local and national NGOs, community leaders, and other sectors can amplify efforts to achieve UHC. The Alliance for Gender Equality and Universal Health Coverage, co-convened by Women in Global Health, is one example of a powerful collective voice.

How you can help:

  • Use your influence: Amplify key messages through your networks. Engage
  • your contacts in social media campaigns, public forums, and community events to build wider public support for gender equality in health.



UNGA 79 and SoTF are a crucial moment for us to push for change. Let’s use this opportunity to drive progress on UHC and gender-responsive health systems. Together, we can make sure women’s voices are heard and that health systems work for everyone.



Stay informed and take action

We are mobilizing our community to advocate for a Pact for the Future that strongly reflects commitment to gender equality and women’s rights through Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and gender-responsive health systems. Follow us on our social media for our delegates’ speaking engagements, our upcoming AMR webinar and more in NYC.

Join us for the Meet & Greet

On September 23rd, 2024, at 7:30 AM EDT, join us at the Penn Club of New York for a breakfast meet & greet moderated by the Women in Global Health New York Chapter as part of the 79th United Nations General Assembly. Connect with fellow attendees, engage with our WGH chapters, and be part of an important conversation on gender equity in global health. Don’t miss this chance to network, share insights, and strengthen partnerships.
