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Ms. Emmah Kariuki


As a member of the Jhpiego team, Emmah works to bring low cost health innovations to communities that are completely disadvantaged. Her work entails providing technical support for service delivery in family planning and reproductive health. Emmah provides training to health care providers, develops training materials, coordinates research activities and supports the Ministry of Health in the implementation of family planning and reproductive activities.

“I always told my mother I wanted to become a nurse to care for patients and train other healthcare workers to improve quality of care. When I was a senior in high school, I suffered from menorrhagia (prolongedmenstruation), and the hospital nurse told me I wasn’t sick. I went back to school without a cause of my pain and continued bleeding. By the time I finished my exams, I was anemic and needed a blood transfusion. It was at that moment that I knew I must become a nurse so I could ensure that no other girl would suffer like I did. Today, I am living my childhood dream.”
