Annual count of women Chief Delegates at the World Health Assembly

27 May 2024

The Women in Global Health (WGH) women-led delegation at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA77) represented a powerhouse of leaders who harnessed collective vision to drive commitments on gender-responsive, equitable health systems that champion the rights and well-being of women and girls worldwide.

These equal voices for women in global health decision-making resonated powerfully at the Assembly, urging for transformative change to act on gender equity in health leadership, to close the gender pay gap, to end unpaid labor, and to ensure safe, fairly paid work environments free from violence and harassment.

This however is different from the picture at WHA across the board.

Women in Global Health annual WHA gender count is released

Women in Global Health’s annual count of women-headed member state delegations provides

a snapshot of gender parity at the 77th session of the World Health Assembly. Overall, the share of women Chief Delegates at WHA77 is 30 percent.

The findings show that not even a third of national delegations to WHA this year have been led by women, with the total gender count dropped by 2 percentage points compared to 2023.

This must change.  

Regional disparities and under-representation of women leaders from the Global South underscores the urgency to do better. Women’s leadership in global multilateral fora such as WHA has significant implications for health and prosperity for everyone. Women in Global Health will continue to advocate for a fair share of leadership at all levels, from the global to the national and local. 

Join us in this effort, by supporting our work or getting in touch to find out what you can do in your own context.
