Founded: August 2019
Women in Global Health Chile is the first Latin American Chapter and began when one of our members, Sandra Oyarzo Torres, was named Heroine of Health in 2018. She then formed a core group with other members of the National Midwifery Association, the Medical College and independent women interested in WGH’s mission. The Chapter started carrying out events around the same time as social unrest began in Chile in October 2019, hosting first-aid workshops.
WGH Chile se formó como primera sede latinoamericana del movimiento global cuando una de sus miembros, Sandra Oyarzo Torres, fue nombrada Heroína de Salud en el 2018. Junto con otras integrantes del Colegio de Matronas, el Colegio Médico y mujeres independientes interesadas en la misión de WGH, formaron un grupo base. Las primeras actividades de WGH Chile coincidieron con el estallido social en octubre 2019. Las integrantes realizaron talleres de primeros auxilios para manifestantes.
Our aims
To shed light on the important role that women play in the healthcare sector and to empower them to reach leadership positions and thus create more equity in health and improve the health of women and girls.
Visibilizar la importante labor que realizan las mujeres en el ámbito de la salud, así también cómo empoderarlas para llegar a puestos de liderazgo y así lograr más equidad en la salud y una mejor salud para mujeres y niñas.

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Our work
We form part of the Senate’s Commission on Gender and COVID-19, together with 100 other civil society organizations and the President of the Senate.
Junto con 100 organizaciones de la sociedad civil, formamos parte de la Mesa de Género y COVID19, impartida por la Presidenta del Senado. Link:
Key Accomplishments
- Key Accomplishments (NA for new chapters): First event on covid and gender in Chile held in April 2020 by the chapter.
- Ex health minister participated in event in may 2021
- Participated in 200-strong feminist organization group on gender responsive policy making during emergencies. Co convened the health subgroup. Met with health and women’s minister to present recommendations, some adopted.
- Launched women’s leader campaign on social media, showcasing 45 women leaders of the pandemic in late 2020.
- Becca Reisdorf (co founder of chapter) recognized as 1 of 100 women leaders of the pandemic with chiles biggest newspaper, for work of the chapter.
- Members have spoken on numerous high level events.
- Hosted first aid event to help first responders during protests in late 2019.
- Supported chapter formation of 3 additional WGH chapter in LAC region.
- Participated in WGH’s delegation to GEF.
- Co founder Valentina Pantoja attended women leaders in global health conference in Rwanda in 2019.
- Supported WGH’s Covid5050 campaign by translating documents and getting commitments from 5 NGOs and the senate.
- Hosted event on women’s role on the frontlines of social protests.
Our leaders
We are hosted by the National Midwifery Association/Colegio de Matronas y Matrones de Chile. Our leadership team consists of:
- Sandra Oyarzo Torres
- Valentina Pantoja de Prado
- Rebecca Reisdorf