Founded: October 2021
Women in Global Health Niger (WGH Niger) is a not-for-profit organization. Legally registered in Niger, WGH Niger is a grassroots movement that regroups women and men with diverse expertise, but with a shared objective of gender equity in the health sector.
What we do
WGH Niger is committed to advancing the leadership of women and its recognition in the health sector in Niger.

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- Facilitate the development and visibility of women’s contribution in health at all levels of health systems
- Gender equity in the health and core workforce focusing on equitable representation of women in leadership and decision-making positions to:
- Improve Health Systems
- Enable a favorable environment for women involvement in leadership
How we do it
Mobilization of individuals interested in gender parity and women leadership to:
- Facilitate the recognition of women’s contribution in health
- Facilitate career development and mentorship
- Develop and advance an adequate environment for exchange, leadership, and action
- Conduct research to disseminate and challenge power
- Make recommendations for inclusive policies accounting for gender equity
Our Leaders
- Coordinator- Assanatou Bamogo
- Vice Coordinator- Shamsiya Mahaman Sani Ali
- Program and partnership manager- Corinne Tchoula Mamiafo
- Communication- Agali Zibin Raichou
- Secretary- Seyni Soumana Rachida
- Honarary member- Céline Langerdorf
- Honorary member-Rebecca Grais