Latest Past Events

Consultation: Gender Responsive Health Systems for UHC – Making it Happen

Kigali Convention Center

Women in Global Health (WGH) as a co-convenor of the Alliance for Gender Equality and UHC, and UHC2030 held a multi-stakeholder consultation during the Women Deliver Conference 2023 to identify what works in making health systems gender-responsive, including examples of promising practices. Over 50 attendees joined this important dialogue. Amy Boldosser-Boesch, UHC2030 CSEM Secretariat, MSH...

Energizing Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Gender-Responsive UHC

Kigali Convention Center

The Women Deliver 2023 Conference(WD2023) was a key moment on the road to the UN High-Level Meeting (HLM) on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in September. The Alliance for Gender Equality and UHC facilitated a multi-stakeholder dialogue among decision-makers, Alliance members, and health workers, where we took stock of progress to date in HLM negotiations and...
