Women in Global Health has been volunteer fueled since it was founded in 2015. In 2020, WGH received its first one-year seed grant to set up a core staff of 3 to support organizational development. Our growth has been exponential with the challenge to have sustainable growth.
Currently, the organization remains underfunded in 2023 and beyond. Of the funding we have secured for 2022, a majority is still restricted to programmatic activities and not enough is currently committed for core funding needs (e.g. finance, operations, resource mobilization). While we have finally been able to offer a few multi-year staffing contracts, the majority of our staff remain on short term contracts.
If you are an individual interested in donating to Women in global Health, please click on the button below. If you are a funder please do get in touch via the contact page, we’re always open to conversation.
Women in Global Health is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Women in Global Health are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law (in the United States).