Community Health Workers want lasting social contracts, not endless recognition
Women are 70% of health workers across the world, lead and shoulder a significant proportion of the pandemic response, and play key roles in health systems all over the world. Many of these women, particularly those in lower income countries work as volunteers, in low paid or underpaid roles and without any social protection, they are ofter referred to as Community Health Workers and they need a new social contract to keep caring for us.
Volunteer women health workers across the world have been lauded for their sacrifice and commitments, but they have not been rewarded with decent work, equal pay, or gender parity in leadership. It is time for the leaders to wake up to their call. Health and care workers need a new social contract with fair pay, equal leadership, safe and decent working conditions and workplaces free from violence and harassment!
Nothing less will do.
Article by Deepika Saluja, Kavita Bhatia, and Dr Shubha Nagesh. on International Health Policies Blog.