WGH Report COVID -19: Global Health Security Depends on Women
Rebalancing the unequal social contract for women
As of September 2020 around 30 million people worldwide have been infected with COVID-19 and close to 1 million people are known to have died. The pandemic is far from over. In addition, deaths are resulting indirectly from COVID-19 as health systems are disrupted, gender-based violence increases and economic fallout deepens hunger, despair and extreme deprivation. Behind every statistic is a human story. COVID-19 has changed the world profoundly, causing death and devastation now and aftershocks that will scar future generations. This is a break in history and a chance to fix the structural weaknesses in our health and social systems so we can better withstand future shocks. This is our opportunity to rebuild global health security on a stronger and more equal foundation and ensure that the women who deliver health and social care are leading the systems they know best.