Press release: Health worker sexual abuse reporting site launched
Women in Global Health launch #HealthToo Project today
September 05, 2022 – Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harrasment (SEAH) is a considerably underreported form of violence healthcare workers face, according to Women in Global Health, an organization that campaigns for the protection of women workers in healthcare settings.
“There is a huge gap in data and research related to SEAH in the health and care sector from all regions, with the most serious absence of data in low- and middle-income countries, where women are reportedly the most affected,” said Dr Roopa Dhatt, Executive Director, Women in Global Health.
A majority 62 percent of 330,000 health workers across a range of countries reported exposure to work related violence and harassment (WRVH) in a single year, according to the Journal for Occupational and Environmental Medicine. But this data is not disaggregated to separate the SEAH component.
In response, Women in Global Health have launched a new platform and research project entitled “#HealthToo” to seek, compile and document stories from women health workers who have experienced work-related SEAH. The platform is open for individual story contributions from September 5 to November 30, 2022. By submitting their stories anonymously, women will be able to share their experiences freely without risking job security or personal repercussions in their place of work.
Currently, a large percentage of women in the global health workforce face discrimination, bias and sexual harassment in their work. In some countries, women also experience WRVH either on the way to work or when engaged in community outreach.
The causes vary: many women face unprotected exposure to sexual and violent acts because pepetrators remain unnacountable in work settings owing to a lack of legal and policy frameworks, poor or no follow up, under reporting due to fear of retribution or issues around standard of proof. Other factors have also contributed to the abuse, including women’s segregation into lower status roles, systemic bias and discrimination in the health care sector.
In several contexts, particularly low- and middle-income countries, there is no legislative framework in place to support gender equality at work and no laws to prohibit and punish sexual discrimination and sexual harassment at work.
“Work related SEAH in the health workforce is an extension of the gender-based violence against women and girls that we witness every day, and in the vast majorty of cases, it is perpetrated by male colleagues, male patients/clients and male members of the community, “ said Dr. Robalo.
If not acted upon urgently and consistently, such acts create unsafe and toxic work environments that affect retention of women staff, reduce their physical and mental health leading to increased healthcare costs and a reduction in the quality of care provided.
By addressing the root causes of gender inequity in the health and care workforce and challenging the power and privilege afforded to men, Women in Global Health aims to contribute to the overall reduction of workplace SEAH in global health and therefore strengthen health systems.
This should be backed with concrete action by decision makers to put appropriate laws and policies in place, including ratification and implementation of the International Labour Organization Convention 190 (cILO 190).
“There is no single pathway to solve sexual exploitation and abuse but the presence of women at all levels from leadership down, coupled with adequate laws and policies makes an immediate difference by creating a conducive, motivating and empowering work environment free of such abuse and discrimination, “ said Dr Robalo.
For press enquiries, and to connect with spokespeople on this issue please contact:
Joan Bolger – Women in Global Health
Women in Global Health launched the #HealthToo project to make work related violence and harassment in health a top priority for action.
About Women in Global Health
Women in Global Health (WGH) is the fast-growing women-led movement demanding gender equity in global health. While women represent 70% of the workforce and about 90 percent of front-line health workers, they hold just a quarter of leadership positions. Now with supporters in more than 90 countries and 41 official chapters predominantly in low-income countries, Women in Global Health campaigns for equal representation for women in health leadership; equitable pay and ending unpaid work for women health workers; protection and safe and decent work; and the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. These are the essential foundations for strong health systems, Universal Health Coverage and global health security.
Women in Global Health has repeatedly called for a new social contract for women based on safe and decent work. With around 5,500 members and 70,000 supporters, we are nurses, midwives, doctors, public health professionals, health policy makers, community health workers, researchers, pharmacists and private sector health workers.