Symptoms of a broken system: the gender gaps in COVID-19 decision-making
A growing chorus of voices are questioning the glaring lack of women in COVID-19 decision- making bodies. Men dominating leadership positions in global health has long been the default mode of governing. This is a symptom of a broken system where gover-nance is not inclusive of any type of diversity, be it gender, geography, sexual orientation, race, socio- economic status or disciplines within and beyond health – excluding those who offer unique perspectives, expertise and lived realities. This not only reinforces ineq-uitable power structures but undermines an effective COVID-19 response – ultimately costing lives.
van Daalen, Kim & Bajnoczki, Csongor & Chowdhury, Maisoon & Dada, Sara & Khorsand, Parnian & Socha, Anna & Lal, Arush & Jung, Laura & Alqodmani, Lujain & Torres, Irene & Ouedraogo, Samiratou & Mahmud, Amina & Dhatt, Roopa & Phelan, Alexandra & Rajan, Dheepa. (2020). Symptoms of a broken system: the gender gaps in COVID-19 decision-making. BMJ Global Health. 5. 3549. 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-003549.