Women Leaders in Global Health in The Lancet
It is disappointing and rather ironic to note the lack of gender parity in leadership positions in the field of global health. Women carry a disproportionate burden of disease, comprise a large portion of the global health workforce, and in many leading universities make up the majority of global health students, even up to 84% as reported by one university.1,2 Yet, among the top 50 universities in the USA, women hold just over a third of global health faculty positions and a quarter of directorships in global health centres.
VOLUME 5, ISSUE 6, E565-E566, JUNE 01, 2017
Women leaders in global health
Zohray Talib
Katherine States Burke
Michele Barry
Open AccessPublished:June, 2017DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30182-1