Women in Global Health is joining the 77th World Health Assembly

24 May 2024

During the 77th World Health Assembly, we will advocate and monitor policy change in two overarching areas: gender-responsive health systems and gender-equal health and care workforce.

Download our advocacy messages

Our upcoming gender parity count of Chief Delegates

Women in Global Health has monitored the number of women-headed WHO member state delegations since 2010 and will be publishing these results during WHA77. WGH presents the findings of our annual gender count of Chief Delegates, highlighting both progress made and enduring challenges in achieving gender equity at the World Health Assembly (WHA).

In a continued bid to push for gender parity in WHA leadership, our annual count last year reveals a promising 9% increase since 2022 in women occupying Chief Delegate positions, resulting in an overall representation of 32%. This takes the percentage of women just 1% above the pre-pandemic high point of 31% in 2017. However, considering women constitute the majority of the health workforce, the significant disparity in decision-making power—three men for every woman—underscores the urgency to do better.

Read more about last year’s count

Walk the Talk on gender equity

We are launching a campaign to Walk the Talk on gender equity in step with the World Health Organization’s #WalkTheTalk Challenge.

Join us in spirit and solidarity by participating in our #WalkTheTalk campaign on gender equity. We invite you to participate and show your support, whether virtually or in person we can all step it up for women in health! 

To join us virtually:

  1. Take a photo of yourself, your friends, your family, or your fellow chapter members while you are out walking, running, cycling or swimming
  2. Post it to your social media, tag @womeninGH, and use the hashtag #WalkTheTalk on gender equity

To join us in Geneva, meet us on Sunday, May 26th, at 8:00 AM at Place des Nations.


Take action for gender equity in health

Are you ready to take action and make a difference at WHA77? There are lots of ways to get involved:

  • Use our social media toolkit to advocate for #GenderEqualHCW and gender-responsive health systems
  • Go local by bringing the WHA dialogue to your community and adapting our messages to fit your own context
  • Join our in-person events or stay tuned for the recordings we’ll distribute later
  • Participate in our #WalkTheTalk on gender equity campaign

Use our social media toolkit
